I don't know about you, but this has been a tough year for me. I've been attending school at Mat-Su and UAA for 3 years now - fall, spring AND summer. Plus, I have been homeschooling my ten-year-old son, and doing my best at being a Student Ambassador for Mat-Su College. So, I empathize if you're feeling at the end of your rope the week before finals (especially with lovely Spring weather outside). At this point in the semester my enthusiasm certainly begins to wane. Actually, it started to slip a few weeks ago, but now is when I feel the pressure. Finals are coming and I have some catching up to do, as I'm sure many of you do as well. I'm here to say..."you can do it!"
My April calendar...or, my brain on paper. |
My calendar (which you can see in the picture above) is a crazy mess! That piece of paper is like an external hard drive for my brain. If I don't write something down, it gets lost in the abyss of information that is constantly flowing through my head. If someone asks me, "What are you doing on Thursday?" I'd say, "I don't know, I have to look at my calendar." I know that might sound a bit pretentious at first, but it has been a sanity-saver. In a way, it's a visual picture of my life...and clearly it's pretty hectic. But, it's a happy hectic. I'll even let you in on my neurotic little secret...it's color-coded. I write work and school hours in blue, things pertaining to outdoor education in green, important appointments in red (sometimes circled for emphasis), and miscellaneous items in black. When it gets real cluttered, I start using highlighters for things I really need to remember, like birthday's and deadlines. Maybe you'll find my chicken scratch amusing, or maybe you'll find it helpful. If either applies, I feel I've done my part to ease a bit of tension as this semester draws to a close.
So, even if I had an inkling to just stop going to class, I couldn't bring myself to throw away all the hard work I've done thus far (and all the tuition I've paid). This week is the last push to get papers done, study for the final exams, and maybe do some extra credit if I've been slacking. Just the other day I was up until 2a.m. putting the final touches on a multi-media presentation for a Public Science Writing course (click the link to see the end result). I see a similar scenario playing out sometime this week as I finish (and start) a literature review for Marine Biology. I know I'm not alone in this. Many a fellow student will also be burning the midnight oil, if you aren't doing so already. Well, I say, whatever it takes. Get 'er done! Finish what you start. Follow through. End with a bang! Take your pick of sayings, but somehow find the strength and mental fortitude to end the year feeling good about your accomplishments. Look to other students for study groups and stress-relievers. Seek tutors or help from faculty. However you're doing it, I commend you all for working hard to better yourselves through education. Best wishes on your final tests. And enjoy your summer! I'll be spending mine in Principles of Ecology class...it's on next month's calendar.